“Corporations of the World Unite!” at Davos

The Communist International and The Great Reset. The post “Corporations of the World Unite!” at Davos first appeared on Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion.
Quintin McDermott V · about 23 hours ago · 3 minutes read

A Dystopian Utopia: The Era of "You Will Own Nothing"

The Illusion of a Perfect Society

Welcome to the world of 2030, where ownership is archaic and privacy is a distant memory. The United Nations and the World Economic Forum envision a utopia where we own nothing, yet somehow happiness prevails.

Expert Quote: "Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to everything we need..." - Ida Auken

Echoes of Communism

This vision is eerily reminiscent of communist ideologies, where the abolition of private property and the elevation of state control were the core tenets. The Great Reset, a modern-day iteration of this ideology, promotes a globalist agenda that echoes the Soviet Union's Komintern.

The Corporatization of Totalitarianism

While communism aspired to abolish capitalism, the Great Reset aims to reset it by discouraging individual ownership. Just as the Komintern advocated a global workers' alliance, the proponents of the Great Reset seek a global corporate alliance.

Unlike the violent revolutions of communism, the Great Reset advocates a soft totalitarianism, a fusion of Orwellian control and Huxleyan distraction. Corporations would remain, but they would be beholden to a totalitarian political agenda.

The Plot to Control and Subdue

Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, proclaims the need for a "Great Reset" of capitalism. His agenda includes using technology, health emergencies, and climate fear-mongering to curtail private property and individual rights.

"The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies..." - Klaus Schwab

A Futuristic Dystopia

As Michael Dougherty astutely observes, the Great Reset's vision is fraught with threats to our humanity and freedom. The future they envision involves surveillance and control, replacing our very essence with technology.

"It is actually a crisis for our global elites that every idea they have for solving problems involves subtracting more of our humanity and freedom from human civilization." - Michael Dougherty

Lessons from Communism

Witnessing the horrors of communism provides a grim reminder of the consequences of abolishing private property and capitalism. In Bulgaria, the promise of a better future never materialized, leading to widespread poverty and oppression.

"We are living in one!" - Elderly Bulgarian man

The Absurdity of the Great Reset

The Great Reset's proponents extol the virtues of a society where people own nothing and rely solely on corporate services. This is a testament to the absurdity of their agenda, which would stifle innovation, competition, and individual choice.

Joke: "Why do you care when the plumber is coming? Because I don't want to miss him!"

Preserving Freedom

To protect our innate rights and freedoms, we must reject the Great Reset and its globalist aspirations. We must safeguard Western values, national sovereignties, and limit the influence of transnational organizations.

Disclaimer: The author, Nora D. Clinton, is a respected scholar and author with a unique perspective on totalitarian ideologies. Her insights stem from her personal experiences in communist Bulgaria.